Working on a trailer

Yep I know I'm getting late on version 0.9 sorry about that. 2 coin attacks are already done, some attack patterns and animation too. I might as well make a trailer, to make the game more appealing. I'm also going to ask Nintendo to put it on the switch as a half joke, which requires a trailer; two birds one stone. If you see RG-FT on the switch you'll know why, even though it really isn't likely. Let a man dream.

Oh yeah robots now beep when talking. That's pretty cool I guess. Might rework Chapter 3's dialogues too, if I have time. Polish, baby !

I'm on a pretty low performance PC for now, which is why I'm not working on the fight, waaay too complicated without my trusty PyCharm IDE. I'm surprised I could even work at all. My back hurts eugh.

If I'm not lazy the game should be finished by Early 2022. But seeing that I'm already late take that with a bit of salt. I hope you're still hyped, please tell me so ! Makes my job easier if I know people are still following me.

Thank you for following the developpement of RG-FT !


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